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3 results

On the Expressiveness of the Ambient Logic

Daniel Hirschkoff ; Etienne Lozes ; Davide Sangiorgi.
The Ambient Logic (AL) has been proposed for expressing properties of process mobility in the calculus of Mobile Ambients (MA), and as a basis for query languages on semistructured data. In this paper, we study the expressiveness of AL. We define formulas for capabilities and for communication in&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on March 30, 2006

Trees from Functions as Processes

Davide Sangiorgi ; Xian Xu.
Levy-Longo Trees and Bohm Trees are the best known tree structures on the {\lambda}-calculus. We give general conditions under which an encoding of the {\lambda}-calculus into the {\pi}-calculus is sound and complete with respect to such trees. We apply these conditions to various encodings of the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 27, 2018

Divergence and unique solution of equations

Adrien Durier ; Daniel Hirschkoff ; Davide Sangiorgi.
We study proof techniques for bisimilarity based on unique solution of equations. We draw inspiration from a result by Roscoe in the denotational setting of CSP and for failure semantics, essentially stating that an equation (or a system of equations) whose infinite unfolding never produces a&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 7, 2019

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