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4 results

Separability in the Ambient Logic

Daniel Hirschkoff ; Etienne Lozes ; Davide Sangiorgi.
The \it{Ambient Logic} (AL) has been proposed for expressing properties of process mobility in the calculus of Mobile Ambients (MA), and as a basis for query languages on semistructured data. We study some basic questions concerning the discriminating power of AL, focusing on the equivalence on&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 4, 2008

On the Expressiveness of the Ambient Logic

Daniel Hirschkoff ; Etienne Lozes ; Davide Sangiorgi.
The Ambient Logic (AL) has been proposed for expressing properties of process mobility in the calculus of Mobile Ambients (MA), and as a basis for query languages on semistructured data. In this paper, we study the expressiveness of AL. We define formulas for capabilities and for communication in&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on March 30, 2006

A Complete Axiomatisation for Quantifier-Free Separation Logic

Stéphane Demri ; Étienne Lozes ; Alessio Mansutti.
We present the first complete axiomatisation for quantifier-free separation logic. The logic is equipped with the standard concrete heaplet semantics and the proof system has no external feature such as nominals/labels. It is not possible to rely completely on proof systems for Boolean BI as the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 10, 2021

Synchronizability of Communicating Finite State Machines is not Decidable

Alain Finkel ; Etienne Lozes.
A system of communicating finite state machines is synchronizable if its send trace semantics, i.e.the set of sequences of sendings it can perform, is the same when its communications are FIFO asynchronous and when they are just rendez-vous synchronizations. This property was claimed to be decidable&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on December 20, 2023

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