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2 results

Mutually Testing Processes

Giovanni Bernardi ; Matthew Hennessy.
In the standard testing theory of DeNicola-Hennessy one process is considered to be a refinement of another if every test guaranteed by the former is also guaranteed by the latter. In the domain of web services this has been recast, with processes viewed as servers and tests as clients. In this way&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on April 14, 2015

Using higher-order contracts to model session types

Giovanni Bernardi ; Matthew Hennessy.
Session types are used to describe and structure interactions between independent processes in distributed systems. Higher-order types are needed in order to properly structure delegation of responsibility between processes. In this paper we show that higher-order web-service contracts can be used&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 29, 2016

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