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2 results

A lower bound on web services composition

Anca Muscholl ; Igor Walukiewicz.
A web service is modeled here as a finite state machine. A composition problem for web services is to decide if a given web service can be constructed from a given set of web services; where the construction is understood as a simulation of the specification by a fully asynchronous product of the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on May 15, 2008

Positional Determinacy of Games with Infinitely Many Priorities

Erich Graedel ; Igor Walukiewicz.
We study two-player games of infinite duration that are played on finite or infinite game graphs. A winning strategy for such a game is positional if it only depends on the current position, and not on the history of the play. A game is positionally determined if, from each position, one of the two&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 3, 2006

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