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2 results

Strongly Complete Logics for Coalgebras

Alexander Kurz ; Jiri Rosicky.
Coalgebras for a functor model different types of transition systems in a uniform way. This paper focuses on a uniform account of finitary logics for set-based coalgebras. In particular, a general construction of a logic from an arbitrary set-functor is given and proven to be strongly complete under&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 12, 2012

Hanf numbers via accessible images

Michael Lieberman ; Jiri Rosicky.
We present several new model-theoretic applications of the fact that, under the assumption that there exists a proper class of almost strongly compact cardinals, the powerful image of any accessible functor is accessible. In particular, we generalize to the context of accessible categories the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 23, 2017

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