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2 results

Permission-Based Separation Logic for Message-Passing Concurrency

Adrian Francalanza ; Julian Rathke ; Vladimiro Sassone.
We develop local reasoning techniques for message passing concurrent programs based on ideas from separation logics and resource usage analysis. We extend processes with permission- resources and define a reduction semantics for this extended language. This provides a foundation for interpreting&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 1, 2011

Contextual equivalence for higher-order pi-calculus revisited

Alan Jeffrey ; Julian Rathke.
The higher-order pi-calculus is an extension of the pi-calculus to allow communication of abstractions of processes rather than names alone. It has been studied intensively by Sangiorgi in his thesis where a characterisation of a contextual equivalence for higher-order pi-calculus is provided using&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on April 21, 2005

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