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3 results

Dynamic Causality in Event Structures

Youssef Arbach ; David S. Karcher ; Kirstin Peters ; Uwe Nestmann.
Event Structures (ESs) address the representation of direct relationships between individual events, usually capturing the notions of causality and conflict. Up to now, such relationships have been static, i.e., they cannot change during a system run. Thus, the common ESs only model a static view on&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 27, 2018

FTMPST: Fault-Tolerant Multiparty Session Types

Kirstin Peters ; Uwe Nestmann ; Christoph Wagner.
Multiparty session types are designed to abstractly capture the structure of communication protocols and verify behavioural properties. One important such property is progress, i.e., the absence of deadlock. Distributed algorithms often resemble multiparty communication protocols. But proving their&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 27, 2023

Encodability Criteria for Quantum Based Systems

Anna Schmitt ; Kirstin Peters ; Yuxin Deng.
Quantum based systems are a relatively new research area for that different modelling languages including process calculi are currently under development. Encodings are often used to compare process calculi. Quality criteria are used then to rule out trivial or meaningless encodings. In this new&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on April 30, 2024

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