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3 results

FO2(<,+1,~) on data trees, data tree automata and branching vector addition systems

Florent Jacquemard ; Luc Segoufin ; Jerémie Dimino.
A data tree is an unranked ordered tree where each node carries a label from a finite alphabet and a datum from some infinite domain. We consider the two variable first order logic FO2(<,+1,~) over data trees. Here +1 refers to the child and the next sibling relations while < refers to the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on April 26, 2016

Enumerating Answers to First-Order Queries over Databases of Low Degree

Arnaud Durand ; Nicole Schweikardt ; Luc Segoufin.
A class of relational databases has low degree if for all $\delta>0$, all but finitely many databases in the class have degree at most $n^{\delta}$, where $n$ is the size of the database. Typical examples are databases of bounded degree or of degree bounded by $\log n$. It is known that over a&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on May 10, 2022

Tameness and the power of programs over monoids in DA

Nathan Grosshans ; Pierre Mckenzie ; Luc Segoufin.
The program-over-monoid model of computation originates with Barrington's proof that the model captures the complexity class $\mathsf{NC^1}$. Here we make progress in understanding the subtleties of the model. First, we identify a new tameness condition on a class of monoids that entails a natural&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 2, 2022

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