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2 results

Verification of Flat FIFO Systems

Alain Finkel ; M. Praveen.
The decidability and complexity of reachability problems and model-checking for flat counter machines have been explored in detail. However, only few results are known for flat (lossy) FIFO machines, only in some particular cases (a single loop or a single bounded expression). We prove, by&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on October 14, 2020

Playing with Repetitions in Data Words Using Energy Games

Diego Figueira ; Anirban Majumdar ; M. Praveen.
We introduce two-player games which build words over infinite alphabets, and we study the problem of checking the existence of winning strategies. These games are played by two players, who take turns in choosing valuations for variables ranging over an infinite data domain, thus generating&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on July 3, 2020

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