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2 results

On the Expressiveness and Complexity of ATL

Francois Laroussinie ; Nicolas Markey ; Ghassan Oreiby.
ATL is a temporal logic geared towards the specification and verification of properties in multi-agents systems. It allows to reason on the existence of strategies for coalitions of agents in order to enforce a given property. In this paper, we first precisely characterize the complexity of ATL&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on May 15, 2008

Model Checking One-clock Priced Timed Automata

Patricia Bouyer ; Kim G. Larsen ; Nicolas Markey.
We consider the model of priced (a.k.a. weighted) timed automata, an extension of timed automata with cost information on both locations and transitions, and we study various model-checking problems for that model based on extensions of classical temporal logics with cost constraints on modalities.&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 20, 2008

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