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2 results

Lineal: A linear-algebraic Lambda-calculus

Pablo Arrighi ; Gilles Dowek.
We provide a computational definition of the notions of vector space and bilinear functions. We use this result to introduce a minimal language combining higher-order computation and linear algebra. This language extends the Lambda-calculus with the possibility to make arbitrary linear combinations&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on March 17, 2017

A System F accounting for scalars

Pablo Arrighi ; Alejandro Diaz-Caro.
The Algebraic lambda-calculus and the Linear-Algebraic lambda-calculus extend the lambda-calculus with the possibility of making arbitrary linear combinations of terms. In this paper we provide a fine-grained, System F-like type system for the linear-algebraic lambda-calculus. We show that this&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 27, 2012

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