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Asynchronous wreath product and cascade decompositions for concurrent behaviours

Bharat Adsul ; Paul Gastin ; Saptarshi Sarkar ; Pascal Weil.
We develop new algebraic tools to reason about concurrent behaviours modelled as languages of Mazurkiewicz traces and asynchronous automata. These tools reflect the distributed nature of traces and the underlying causality and concurrency between events, and can be said to support true concurrency.&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 28, 2022

Simulations for Event-Clock Automata

S Akshay ; Paul Gastin ; R Govind ; B Srivathsan.
Event-clock automata (ECA) are a well-known semantic subclass of timed automata (TA) which enjoy admirable theoretical properties, e.g., determinizability, and are practically useful to capture timed specifications. However, unlike for timed automata, there exist no implementations for checking&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on July 2, 2024

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