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2 results

Reachability under Contextual Locking

Remi Bonnet ; Rohit Chadha ; Mahesh Viswanathan ; P. Madhusudan.
The pairwise reachability problem for a multi-threaded program asks, given control locations in two threads, whether they can be simultaneously reached in an execution of the program. The problem is important for static analysis and is used to detect statements that are concurrently enabled. This&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 17, 2013

Model Checking Vector Addition Systems with one zero-test

Rémi Bonnet ; Alain FInkel ; Jérôme Leroux ; Marc Zeitoun.
We design a variation of the Karp-Miller algorithm to compute, in a forward manner, a finite representation of the cover (i.e., the downward closure of the reachability set) of a vector addition system with one zero-test. This algorithm yields decision procedures for several problems for these&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 19, 2012

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