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3 results

Families of DFAs as Acceptors of $\omega$-Regular Languages

Dana Angluin ; Udi Boker ; Dana Fisman.
Families of DFAs (FDFAs) provide an alternative formalism for recognizing $\omega$-regular languages. The motivation for introducing them was a desired correlation between the automaton states and right congruence relations, in a manner similar to the Myhill-Nerode theorem for regular languages.&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 14, 2018

Exact and Approximate Determinization of Discounted-Sum Automata

Udi Boker ; Thomas A. Henzinger.
A discounted-sum automaton (NDA) is a nondeterministic finite automaton with edge weights, valuing a run by the discounted sum of visited edge weights. More precisely, the weight in the i-th position of the run is divided by $\lambda^i$, where the discount factor $\lambda$ is a fixed rational number&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 13, 2014

Token Games and History-Deterministic Quantitative-Automata

Udi Boker ; Karoliina Lehtinen.
A nondeterministic automaton is history-deterministic if its nondeterminism can be resolved by only considering the prefix of the word read so far. Due to their good compositional properties, history-deterministic automata are useful in solving games and synthesis problems. Deciding whether a given&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 3, 2023

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