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A model of actors and grey failures

Laura Bocchi ; Julien Lange ; Simon Thompson ; A. Laura Voinea.
Existing models for the analysis of concurrent processes tend to focus on fail-stop failures, where processes are either working or permanently stopped, and their state (working/stopped) is known. In fact, systems are often affected by grey failures: failures that are latent, possibly transient, and&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on November 22, 2023

A Session Type System for Asynchronous Unreliable Broadcast Communication

Dimitrios Kouzapas ; Ramunas Forsberg Gutkovas ; A. Laura Voinea ; Simon J. Gay.
Session types are formal specifications of communication protocols, allowing protocol implementations to be verified by typechecking. Up to now, session type disciplines have assumed that the communication medium is reliable, with no loss of messages. However, unreliable broadcast communication is&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 5, 2024

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