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4 results

A decidable weakening of Compass Logic based on cone-shaped cardinal directions

Angelo Montanari ; Gabriele Puppis ; Pietro Sala.
We introduce a modal logic, called Cone Logic, whose formulas describe properties of points in the plane and spatial relationships between them. Points are labelled by proposition letters and spatial relations are induced by the four cone-shaped cardinal directions. Cone Logic can be seen as a&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on December 10, 2015

Satisfiability and Model Checking for the Logic of Sub-Intervals under the Homogeneity Assumption

Laura Bozzelli ; Alberto Molinari ; Angelo Montanari ; Adriano Peron ; Pietro Sala.
The expressive power of interval temporal logics (ITLs) makes them one of the most natural choices in a number of application domains, ranging from the specification and verification of complex reactive systems to automated planning. However, for a long time, because of their high computational&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 1, 2022

A first-order logic characterization of safety and co-safety languages

Alessandro Cimatti ; Luca Geatti ; Nicola Gigante ; Angelo Montanari ; Stefano Tonetta.
Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is one of the most popular temporal logics, that comes into play in a variety of branches of computer science. Among the various reasons of its widespread use there are its strong foundational properties: LTL is equivalent to counter-free omega-automata, to star-free&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 10, 2023

Controller Synthesis for Timeline-based Games

Renato Acampora ; Luca Geatti ; Nicola Gigante ; Angelo Montanari ; Valentino Picotti.
In the timeline-based approach to planning, the evolution over time of a set of state variables (the timelines) is governed by a set of temporal constraints. Traditional timeline-based planning systems excel at the integration of planning with execution by handling temporal uncertainty. In order to&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 27, 2024

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