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5 results

On Resolving Non-determinism in Choreographies

Laura Bocchi ; Hernan Melgratti ; Emilio Tuosto.
Choreographies specify multiparty interactions via message passing. A realisation of a choreography is a composition of independent processes that behave as specified by the choreography. Existing relations of correctness/completeness between choreographies and realisations are based on models where&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 24, 2020

Reversing Place Transition Nets

Hernán Melgratti ; Claudio Antares Mezzina ; Irek Ulidowski.
Petri nets are a well-known model of concurrency and provide an ideal setting for the study of fundamental aspects in concurrent systems. Despite their simplicity, they still lack a satisfactory causally reversible semantics. We develop such semantics for Place/Transitions Petri nets (P/T nets)&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on October 16, 2020

Event Structures for Petri nets with Persistence

Paolo Baldan ; Roberto Bruni ; Andrea Corradini ; Fabio Gadducci ; Hernan Melgratti ; Ugo Montanari.
Event structures are a well-accepted model of concurrency. In a seminal paper by Nielsen, Plotkin and Winskel, they are used to establish a bridge between the theory of domains and the approach to concurrency proposed by Petri. A basic role is played by an unfolding construction that maps (safe)&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 28, 2018

Concurrency and Probability: Removing Confusion, Compositionally

Roberto Bruni ; Hernán Melgratti ; Ugo Montanari.
Assigning a satisfactory truly concurrent semantics to Petri nets with confusion and distributed decisions is a long standing problem, especially if one wants to resolve decisions by drawing from some probability distribution. Here we propose a general solution based on a recursive, static&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on December 19, 2019

Multiparty testing preorders

Rocco de Nicola ; Hernán Melgratti.
Variants of the must testing approach have been successfully applied in service oriented computing for analysing the compliance between (contracts exposed by) clients and servers or, more generally, between two peers. It has however been argued that multiparty scenarios call for more permissive&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on January 5, 2023

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