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3 results

Model Checking Vector Addition Systems with one zero-test

Rémi Bonnet ; Alain FInkel ; Jérôme Leroux ; Marc Zeitoun.
We design a variation of the Karp-Miller algorithm to compute, in a forward manner, a finite representation of the cover (i.e., the downward closure of the reachability set) of a vector addition system with one zero-test. This algorithm yields decision procedures for several problems for these&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 19, 2012

Separating Regular Languages with First-Order Logic

Thomas Place ; Marc Zeitoun.
Given two languages, a separator is a third language that contains the first one and is disjoint from the second one. We investigate the following decision problem: given two regular input languages of finite words, decide whether there exists a first-order definable separator. We prove that in&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on March 9, 2016

Separation for dot-depth two

Thomas Place ; Marc Zeitoun.
The dot-depth hierarchy of Brzozowski and Cohen classifies the star-free languages of finite words. By a theorem of McNaughton and Papert, these are also the first-order definable languages. The dot-depth rose to prominence following the work of Thomas, who proved an exact correspondence with the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 17, 2021

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