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5 results

Bialgebraic Semantics for Logic Programming

Filippo Bonchi ; Fabio Zanasi.
Bialgebrae provide an abstract framework encompassing the semantics of different kinds of computational models. In this paper we propose a bialgebraic approach to the semantics of logic programming. Our methodology is to study logic programs as reactive systems and exploit abstract techniques&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on March 30, 2015

Universal Constructions for (Co)Relations: categories, monoidal categories, and props

Brendan Fong ; Fabio Zanasi.
Calculi of string diagrams are increasingly used to present the syntax and algebraic structure of various families of circuits, including signal flow graphs, electrical circuits and quantum processes. In many such approaches, the semantic interpretation for diagrams is given in terms of relations or&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 3, 2018

Equivalence checking for weak bi-Kleene algebra

Tobias Kappé ; Paul Brunet ; Bas Luttik ; Alexandra Silva ; Fabio Zanasi.
Pomset automata are an operational model of weak bi-Kleene algebra, which describes programs that can fork an execution into parallel threads, upon completion of which execution can join to resume as a single thread. We characterize a fragment of pomset automata that admits a decision procedure for&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on August 13, 2021

Coalgebraic Semantics for Probabilistic Logic Programming

Tao Gu ; Fabio Zanasi.
Probabilistic logic programming is increasingly important in artificial intelligence and related fields as a formalism to reason about uncertainty. It generalises logic programming with the possibility of annotating clauses with probabilities. This paper proposes a coalgebraic semantics on&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on April 12, 2021

A Finite Axiomatisation of Finite-State Automata Using String Diagrams

Robin Piedeleu ; Fabio Zanasi.
We develop a fully diagrammatic approach to finite-state automata, based on reinterpreting their usual state-transition graphical representation as a two-dimensional syntax of string diagrams. In this setting, we are able to provide a complete equational theory for language equivalence, with two&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 15, 2023

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