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3 results

Stochastic Parity Games on Lossy Channel Systems

Parosh Aziz Abdulla ; Lorenzo Clemente ; Richard Mayr ; Sven Sandberg.
We give an algorithm for solving stochastic parity games with almost-sure winning conditions on {\it lossy channel systems}, under the constraint that both players are restricted to finite-memory strategies. First, we describe a general framework, where we consider the class of 2 1/2-player games&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on January 5, 2015

Efficient reduction of nondeterministic automata with application to language inclusion testing

Lorenzo Clemente ; Richard Mayr.
We present efficient algorithms to reduce the size of nondeterministic B\"uchi word automata (NBA) and nondeterministic finite word automata (NFA), while retaining their languages. Additionally, we describe methods to solve PSPACE-complete automata problems like language universality, equivalence,&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 13, 2019

Determinisability of register and timed automata

Lorenzo Clemente ; Sławomir Lasota ; Radosław Piórkowski.
The deterministic membership problem for timed automata asks whether the timed language given by a nondeterministic timed automaton can be recognised by a deterministic timed automaton. An analogous problem can be stated in the setting of register automata. We draw the complete&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on May 10, 2022

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