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4 results

Unary negation

Luc Segoufin ; Balder ten Cate.
We study fragments of first-order logic and of least fixed point logic that allow only unary negation: negation of formulas with at most one free variable. These logics generalize many interesting known formalisms, including modal logic and the $\mu$-calculus, as well as conjunctive queries and&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 24, 2013

Piecewise testable tree languages

Mikołaj Bojańczyk ; Luc Segoufin ; Howard Straubing.
This paper presents a decidable characterization of tree languages that can be defined by a boolean combination of Sigma_1 sentences. This is a tree extension of the Simon theorem, which says that a string language can be defined by a boolean combination of Sigma_1 sentences if and only if its&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on September 29, 2012

FO2(<,+1,~) on data trees, data tree automata and branching vector addition systems

Florent Jacquemard ; Luc Segoufin ; Jerémie Dimino.
A data tree is an unranked ordered tree where each node carries a label from a finite alphabet and a datum from some infinite domain. We consider the two variable first order logic FO2(<,+1,~) over data trees. Here +1 refers to the child and the next sibling relations while < refers to the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on April 26, 2016

First-order queries on classes of structures with bounded expansion

Wojtek Kazana ; Luc Segoufin.
We consider the evaluation of first-order queries over classes of databases with bounded expansion. The notion of bounded expansion is fairly broad and generalizes bounded degree, bounded treewidth and exclusion of at least one minor. It was known that over a class of databases with bounded&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on February 25, 2020

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