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6 results

O-Minimal Hybrid Reachability Games

Patricia Bouyer ; Thomas Brihaye ; Fabrice Chevalier.
In this paper, we consider reachability games over general hybrid systems, and distinguish between two possible observation frameworks for those games: either the precise dynamics of the system is seen by the players (this is the perfect observation framework), or only the starting point and the&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on January 12, 2010

Pure Nash Equilibria in Concurrent Deterministic Games

Patricia Bouyer ; Romain Brenguier ; Nicolas Markey ; Michael Ummels.
We study pure-strategy Nash equilibria in multi-player concurrent deterministic games, for a variety of preference relations. We provide a novel construction, called the suspect game, which transforms a multi-player concurrent game into a two-player turn-based game which turns Nash equilibria into&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 19, 2015

Model Checking One-clock Priced Timed Automata

Patricia Bouyer ; Kim G. Larsen ; Nicolas Markey.
We consider the model of priced (a.k.a. weighted) timed automata, an extension of timed automata with cost information on both locations and transitions, and we study various model-checking problems for that model based on extensions of classical temporal logics with cost constraints on modalities.&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on June 20, 2008

Reconfiguration and Message Losses in Parameterized Broadcast Networks

Nathalie Bertrand ; Patricia Bouyer ; Anirban Majumdar.
Broadcast networks allow one to model networks of identical nodes communicating through message broadcasts. Their parameterized verification aims at proving a property holds for any number of nodes, under any communication topology, and on all possible executions. We focus on the coverability&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on March 18, 2021

Games Where You Can Play Optimally with Arena-Independent Finite Memory

Patricia Bouyer ; Stéphane Le Roux ; Youssouf Oualhadj ; Mickael Randour ; Pierre Vandenhove.
For decades, two-player (antagonistic) games on graphs have been a framework of choice for many important problems in theoretical computer science. A notorious one is controller synthesis, which can be rephrased through the game-theoretic metaphor as the quest for a winning strategy of the system in&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on January 17, 2022

Arena-Independent Finite-Memory Determinacy in Stochastic Games

Patricia Bouyer ; Youssouf Oualhadj ; Mickael Randour ; Pierre Vandenhove.
We study stochastic zero-sum games on graphs, which are prevalent tools to model decision-making in presence of an antagonistic opponent in a random environment. In this setting, an important question is the one of strategy complexity: what kinds of strategies are sufficient or required to play&nbsp;[&hellip;]
Published on December 1, 2023

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